About Us


Our Indian standard of education is excellent. Our students are amongst the best in the world. They score high on marks - to the extent of securing even 100% in English! But can we truly say that our children are well rounded? Not just masters of marks but also fluent in languages, communication and general knowledge? Have they developed team spirit and qualities of leadership? Do they see beyond the confines of their school and home to recognize inequalities around? Can they hold their own in public debates or present themselves admirably in an interview?

There is so much of the past that was character forming which our schools have discarded or forgotten in the pursuit of High Grades. Institutions like National Cadet Corps and Scouts and Guides; Institutions like the Social Service League; the Arts, Crafts, Culture and Philosophies of our country that our children are unfamiliar with. We are losing many aspects of our history which must be gathered with care before it is all scattered in the vicissitudes of time.